It’s difficult to write a recap that does justice to the Fantasia International Film Festival. It spans nearly three weeks and offers dozens of feature films. That’s why I never refer to my festival coverage as “The Best” films from a particular festival. They are my favorite films among the festival offerings I saw, but there are certainly dozens of worthy contenders that I simply did not have time to get to. In my first piece about the 2023 edition of this wonderful festival from Montreal, I took a look at a gritty horror film, a man in peril thriller and a science fiction film with a very clever premise. (That post can be found here.)
Awards season is upon us. New films from Martin Scorsese, Ridley Scott, David Fincher, and Michael Mann are just a few weeks away. Fantasia always feels like the last gasp of summer, a buffet of genre film excellence before we transition to the prestige films of fall. Here are a few more Fantasia films to look for as they hit digital rental outlets and streaming platforms in the weeks to come:
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