Ajay Devgn’s latest directorial outing, Bholaa, has made an opening collection roughly amounting to $1.3 million in India. The film stars Tabu, Deepak Dobriyal and Gajraj Rao in important roles, alongside Devgn in the lead role. It released on on Thursday, March 30 and is an official Hindi remake of the 2019 Tamil hit Kaithi, written and directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The new film has earned $3.8 million in three days in India. Bholaa has grossed $5.4 million worldwide in the past three days, and the India gross stood at $4.5 million.
Devgn has also produced under his banner Ajay Devgn FFilms. Reliance Entertainment, T-Series Films, and Dream Warrior Pictures have also backed the film.
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