Indian actor Sunny Deol returns in his avatar of Tara Singh 22 years after he was first seen in the role of a truck driver who marries a Pakistani woman to save her life during the communally-charged violence that happened during the India-Pakistan partition in 1947. With the film Gadar 2 making an opening collection of a little less than $5 million in India alone, Deol has proved his stardom once again at the ticket windows. The Hindi film has roughly grossed $5.7 million globally on day one of the release and made $4.9 million in the Indian market.
Gadar 2 is now the second highest opening film of 2023 in India. Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan remains on top of that list with $6.6 million opening in India when it released in January. Most theatres and multiplexes have reported full-house opening on Friday. Tier-two and tier-three cities in India even reported huge crowds gathering as early as 6am for 9am shows at single-screen theatres on the second day. The film may even cross the $15-million mark by the end of its first weekend itself.
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