I’ve been the host of The Retirement Answer Man podcast for over ten years now. I try not to overshare my life on the show because the podcast isn’t about me. It’s about you and rocking retirement! Nonetheless, I have dropped snippets about our Colorado relocation journey over the past few years, as the process has taken a lot of unforeseen twists and turns. Recently, I realized that sharing the whole story (even though I find parts of it a little embarrassing) might be helpful to many of you who are in the same situation, either trying to relocate or realizing that you need to pivot from your original plans. So, here goes.
I visited Colorado on business decades ago. At the time, I wanted to mountain bike and raft, so I pulled out my computer and found a nearby town called Salida that looked appealing. I extended my business trip, rented a car, and drove there. I had such a great time that I continued to visit Salida periodically when travel brought me nearby. Then, in 2018, my wife Shauna joined me on a Colorado vacation, and we spent a night or two together there. To my delight, she loved it as much as I did.
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